nothing major

I don't know what i should talk about today, In some peoples eyes nothing major happened. But in my eyes everything amazing happened. after a recent event I've been putting things into perspective. i began to think of all the things i have yet to do, the memories i haven't made yet, the life i have yet to live. all that kind of stuff. and earlier today i wrote my friend this letter expressing my feelings and concerns about our friendship. and when i thought i was about to die, i instantly regretted leaving things like that. like why the hell would i do something like that. but back to the point, i never want to feel that way again. i don't want to regret any of my choices, i don't want to feel like there is so much more i could have done. I need to live in the now, before its too late. life is short and i need o make the best out of every second that passes.


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